Friday, December 29, 2017

Divine Calling


What a great way to end my 2017! :D And it's also like an advance birthday present to me! Hahaha.

Managed to squeeze myself into joining this very very last batch of pupils getting called on the very very last Friday of the year! Me iz batch 2017 yo!

Commenced chambering in March, filed papers in early December, Called to the Bar on the last Friday of December!

I thank God for a smooth chambering journey and for not facing any difficulties in filing my long call papers earlier this month and for not facing any problems on the call day. Thank you mummy for all the prayers, thank you Fei for always being there when I feel like it's not my thing, thank you Wen for always supporting me, thank you Han for always standing by my side. Hahahahaha. Thank you Sao Monkey for always getting angry on my behalf at people who are irritating. Hahahaha you know I know.

Thank you God for landing me in KESCO! So glad the other firms that I sent my resume to did not respond to me. Or if they did, they were not looking for any chambering pupils at that time. Thank you for letting me know my bosses and aunty and uncle. :)

I felt so touched listening to my own speech when I was being Called wtf. I don't know what's wrong with me. Then when my mover was nearing the end of my speech I suddenly panicked wth what if the AGC and Bar and Penang Bar's representatives don't wanna stand and say they've got no objections?!!

But they did la in the end, "Tiada bantahan, Yang Arif". HEAVED A BIG SIGH OF RELIEF IN MY HEART.

Thank you my family and girlfriends and friends for attending my Long Call even though everyone had to get up early to sit through a boring af ceremony in a stuffy court room. Hahaha.

Thank you mummy for everything that you've done for me, thank you for putting up with my tantrums everytime I come home from a bad day. Thank you bro for being my bro. :P

Thank you Big Boss and Boss for everything! For the past 9 months, for the guidance. Hope I made you proud too Boss. :D Here's to many more months :B

Thank you girlfriends for being my girlfriends, for always standing by my side. For getting me my first bouquet of flowers in my 25 years of life hahahaha. For loving me.

Thank you Ah Ma for being so kind and cute and funny. For always making Fei angry. :D

Thank you me man for everything. For just being my Fei. (P/S We're the same height *💪*)

Thank you for all the guidance Traccey! Thank you for helping me with so many things! Glad I got to know you better! :)

Thanks for coming Michelle, it's really nice of you! :D

Thank you Dato' for agreeing to be my mover even though you don't know me hahaha. Thank you Mrs Khaw for the gift & angpow! That was really unexpected haha. Thank you Aunty & Uncle for always answering my silly questions in office hahahaha. Thank you Big Boss and Boss for organising a celebratory luncheon with my family and friends for me!! Really really appreciate it.

Also I am super glad I brought my baby A6000 ok hahahahaha. Definitely made me look better HAHAHA if I used my phone for all the photos I die la I cannot look so geli in my photos on my big day ma rightttttt. And thank you God for the good weather (even though good weather = hot weather) enabling us to get good lighting! No edits made to all the photos except the very first photo above. VSCO filters nia ok!!! :x

From Han & Wen ❤ IT'S SO PRETTY T__________T

From Traccey, this is so sunny and bright! Felt so happy looking at it! 

From company!!! Thanks Boss! ❤ the Baby Breaths are so pretty!!

Imma find out a way to dry up all the flowers!! T_T They're all so pretty I can't bear to throw them away when they wilt. :( :( :(

Thank you everyone for everything, really. From the bottom of my heart. 💕

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