Saturday, April 1, 2017


An hour ago I was so bored from my work of researching for cases which cannot be found so I stopped and went on my blog and looked at my old posts. 2010 posts. Lol. Yup really bored lol.

And I found that I could actually write better, express myself better with words previously. Maybe that's why I stopped blogging. Or is it because I stopped blogging that I couldn't express myself with words that good anymore?

Lol anyway.

Found this post.

This was me 7 years ago. Ok maybe 6 years plus ago. When I was still young, when my age group was still in the first category, when I just completed my NS...

To think that I've actually completed my Law degree in 2015 (!!!) when I didn't even have the confidence to take it up when I was 18 and a half. Hahahaha. It's really a miracle I pulled through my degree.

I think I was really quite stressed up on what I wanted to take. I was going to give up on Law and proceed to register with TARC for a Business course. Cheaper, easier, less stress. Whatever happened to that plan I cannot recall anymore lol.

But if I had taken Business at that time, I would've started working earlier I think. Haha. Now that I took up Law, I'm still stuck with chambering before I can actually earn proper salary. Oh well. That was the choice the 19 YO me made. Lol. I also cannot recall why did I decided to fuck it and just register with Law

Oh wait maybe I do remember... I think it's because mummy was a bit sad when I told her I am going to register with TARC for a Business course instead of the Law. Lol. And cos Fei asked me to just go for it if that's what I like. Wtf.

So one day I just went up to the 19th floor of the UMNO building with mummy and registered for the course. I was really brave wtf choosing a course like this alone with no friends. And then I kinda stuck around for a few years till the end of CLP lolol. I was with ATC for 6 years!! A Levels up to CLP omg am I loyal or am I loyal hahaha. ATC Penang all the way!

I am writing this post to remind my future self or anyone else who reads this hahaha that anything's possible. Don't let our own doubts beat us! We can do it!

And currently at this time of writing, I'm down with Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease (HFMD) sigh. Whoever the fuck that passed this to me, I hope you won't pass it to anyone else. It's really quite horrible. I hope I'll recover in time for the convo in KL on the 12th of April! *prays*

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