Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I now have something to bla. :)

To Mr. Bok, Smalto by Paris senior part timer. If you ever come across this post, you don't have to take it seriously. Do you think all your jokes are funny? Do you think making fun of me is very funny? Me keeping quiet doesn't mean I don't dare to oppose you okay? It just simply means I don't want to create troubles and arguments. All your jokes are not jokes at all, your SUPERIOR jokes have turned into INSULTING, do you know that? No you don't. You just simply think that you're merely joking to pass time. Let me tell you, YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS TO MAKE FUN OF ANYONE OF US, ME OR KIAM. It's so fcuking irritating and annoying sometimes. YOU REALLY DO THINK IT'S FUNNY, DO YOU? And keep commenting on my Facebook stuffs? WHAT HAS IT TO DO WITH YOU? IS IT EVEN YOUR BUSINESS?

And Parkson people, 90% of them are really fcukshits. They know nothing at all and SIMPLY complain us. Like the ground floor supervisor. WHAT ON EARTH?? JANGAN MAIN MAIN LAIN KALI? WTF? You come and close the fair if you're so clever. Fcuking people. Bird brained. Zzzzzzzz....... And that fcuking fatty guard, you better watch your back. No one likes you alright?

Alright I'm done venting my angers. More to come. Soon. Byebye.

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