Wednesday, May 15, 2013

15th May 2013

Can't think of any better titles to put. Besides, this is just going to be another crappy post.

Well. UOL LLB International Programme's examination started a week ago. Last Tuesday to be precise. Wtf I just realized it just started ONE week ago, it feels like forever... And I freaked out the day before my papers every single time. Needed constant assurance from Fei. Totally lack of confidence. Or when I have it, it's crushed. Sigh. I just hope I can get 40 marks for each of the paper. I just want 4 passes, not As not Bs, not too much right, even though it's mostly my own fault for slacking so much? :( I still have a paper to go anyway, on the 29th. I'm currently having a 16-day break lol.

No idea why did I sign up for this torturing programme.

Anyway, I've also been slacking off in updating my lovely blog lol, I promise I'll post up pictures of Han's little 21st birthday celebration!! :D Better late than never, and I'm doing this for my own happiness, nothing to do with satisfying any other persons. Tons of photos in my camera, but same ol' same ol' still too lazy to transfer them all to lappy and resize and edit if needed... URGH WHY AM I SO LAZY?!?!?! /_____\

Went to search for jobs after Common Law paper on Monday, hopefully I can secure a job for myself! Desperation to earn money... Anyway I'm having a very lovely conversation with Fei and Han on FB right nao, so goodbye lol.

See told you it'd be a crappy post. (Y)