Friday, April 28, 2023


Good day, Friday.

Fei came down last weekend for so many days, I was so happy. Fei arrived on last Thursday, and left on Tuesday morning. All thanks to the Raya holidays. :)

Fei is coming down again this weekend! Also another long weekend, but this time I get to be off work on Monday too cos it's Labour Day! So I get to spend an extra full day with Fei!


Fuck my life. Woke up this morning feeling weird - base of my nose had that same feeling when I first caught Covid. Felt uneasy. Knew I had to get the self-test kit done but I was chicken. :( Because what if it turns out positive again? Will I die earlier from catching Covid twice? I won't get to see Fei this weekend! I won't get to spend my long weekend with Fei where I actually get to be off work on a Public Holiday! And I went to the office yesterday and had lunch with my colleagues... what if I accidentally passed it to them? Although I never had any symptoms before this morning... :'(

Got up from the bed, did the test. Saw a shadow at the place where the second line is if you're positive and thought I saw wrongly. Then the line came out. Everything came crashing down again. Just like the last time. I didn't know what to feel. Couldn't cry. Wanted to cry. At least I would've felt better if I just cried. :(

I don't get to see Fei this weekend anymore.
I don't get to spend my long weekend with Fei. 不甘心.
I went to the office yesterday and had morning coffee + lunch with my colleagues.
My plan of driving back home next week. 

All these thoughts flew by my brain. :( Couldn't lie to myself that the test kit is faulty. 

Texted my manager, texted my work buddy, texted the colleague whom I had morning coffee with. :( Felt so bad. So much guilt. They all live with their families and one of them is traveling back to her hometown tomorrow to spend time with her parents. :( What if they caught it too because of me? :(

I tried tracing back where I would've caught it. But couldn't tell.

Bro has been sneezing and blowing his nose the past few days. I asked him to do the test when he woke up this morning and he said it's negative.

Where did I get it from? Why me again? :( I don't even go out that much, except for the weekends when Fei is here. :( And when we're indoors, we put our masks on. :(

The only silver lining is... I caught it in KL here, without mummy being around so she isn't exposed to the virus again. 

Why though? :'(

Think I'm gon go crash in a while...

Why me?

Update @ 7.34pm - I think God is consoling me for feeling down... my passport renewal application has passed!!! After 934801293820935834095890 attempts at fixing my photo... 🥲

Thank you Buddha and KuanYin.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Simple Happiness

As I start typing at 12:56pm, I'm waiting for my egg to be done steaming. Let's see what time I am ready to click Publish later.

Ok it's 1.39pm and I am just chilling after lunch and washing all the dishes. 

It's April. 😳

Appearing here today on a Wednesday because GC is off-work for Ching Ming today! Aside from holidays that fall on Mondays/Fridays, I also love it when holidays fall on Wednesdays. Cos it's midweek! And once Wednesday is over you only have 2 days of work left until the weekend. Hehehe. And I was successfully converted from a Contractor to a FTE with effect from the last Monday, 2 days ago! 🥳

Anyway I also signed up with ClassPass last month and so far I've tried yoga, pilates and boxing. Things I wouldn't have tried if not for ClassPass. Lol. Boxing is actually quite fun - but I was so sore for about 2 days after. Reformer pilates is good too but so expensive. Boxing and reformer pilates use up the bulk of the credits - like 8 or 9 credits per class. Blurgh.

On another note, I'll only get to see Fei after 2.5 weeks because it's Penang week this weekend, and next weekend Fei's flying to BKK. :( It's okay I'll occupy my weekend with ClassPass and house chores.

Ok jumping topic again - last Sunday when we were at IOI, Fei caught me this meow from Aeon's mini claw machine! Wanted the calico one but couldn't get cos the positions were all unhelpful. :( So we tried this grey one and Fei caught it! So kiut hehehe. It's imported from Japan and RM10 was spent in total including the card rental fee of RM2!

Hung the meow on my bag and sent it to a bath yesterday morning. It's all squeaky clean now sleeping on my bed with my octopus hehe.

By the way, puasa has started and Hari Raya will be here in 2.5 weeks! I will never get tired of saying this... time flies too fast.

It's now 2.06pm. Till next time.