Saturday, June 10, 2023

Hello, Mid-Year

We are nearly approaching the middle of the year already... 5 more days to the 15th day of the sixth month.

What have I done or accomplished in the first half of the year? To be honest... I think I was just striving to survive most of the time lol. I don't really dream big and I'm contented with where I am right now at this point of time. Maybe I will want more in the next year. I don't know. Let's just leave things be and move with the flow.


Finally went back to Penang for 3 weeks in May after 3 months. I think that's the longest gap I haven't returned to Penang since moving down to KL so far. :') Didn't get to hike much though :( Shall try to hike more in the next trips. 


Anyway today's also bro's 26th birthday. 26th 😬 He's turning 30 in 4 years' time and I'd be 35 by then wtf. Scary thoughts.

Oh well. Time flies. Chronos gives no shit. Let's all age gracefully and peacefully.


Solitary shopping day tomorrow. I shall enjoy my me time happily.

Oh and I also picked up my renewed passport last Saturday! Thank god for the smooth process. Very important to have a "Lulus" online passport renewal application. Please do all you can to ensure or secure a higher chance of "Lulus" results while submitting your online passport renewal application (e.g. photo format etc). Makes a whole world of difference. Thank you Buddha and KuanYin. :') But if your issue is the fingerprint issue then... sorry. No choice. Gotta go wait together with the others. But still faster than those who did walk-in renewals, I guess.

Till next time. Goodbye.

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