Monday, August 17, 2009

Lame-o'. Hahahaha.

Updated posts from the 12th to yesterday already. :) Pictures upped. Scroll down and read okie? :D

Mental break down again. ;(

Nothing special at school nowadays. My woman and I wanted to divorce each other. Hahaha. XD And the TG TB stuff. Sangat lame.. But funny. Mingli's got to admit it. :P And Mingli's ordering the breads from Massive. Lol. Funny la her, doesn't know how to order and fill up the form. LOL.

Hate this relief teacher. She doesn't even come into our class, she always comes at 10 minutes before Civics ends. And then she'll start questioning like who's not in class and bla bla bla. Annoying freak. She didn't even believe us when we said that it's already 2.30pm. Like wth, even the primary school's bell's already rung kay. -______-

Argh. Hate her. Hate hate hate hate hate.

I just realized something these few days. I realized that I'm now actually active in Facebook. Hahahahahahaha.

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