Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Nudity is Art?

I'm supposed to be looking through all BS paper 2 past years, but that can wait.

Just finished scrolling through Cruiser's Photography's Facebook page, and I feel the utmost sadness. Guys actually love and enjoy looking at those near-naked photos of those girls? I even saw a fucking psycho commented on the photo, saying he masturbated twice from looking at the photo of the model in sexy lingerie. What the fuck? Girls exposing themselves like this, what's the fucking point? I don't get it.

Guys love looking and enjoying themselves with these photos, Fatpea included. I cannot stop guys from watching porn, from masturbating, from enjoying themselves with near-naked sexy photos of young girls. But for the guys to source their pleasure from photos of young girls going nearly naked, I cannot accept, I do not agree and will never agree. I know it is very difficult for guys to suppress themselves sometimes, - most of the time -, when they feel that sexual needs... I do not have any objections or whatsoever to guys watching porn or masturbate, because it is just the way humans are created. And if by watching porn or masturbating at home privately will help them to ease their needs, then do it, as long as you don't offend the public, or do any crime like raping. That's the most that I can tolerate for a guy.

Judging from what I read from the status posted by a friend in FB, I agree with her completely. Nude photos are claimed by nowadays' photographers as an 'ART'. And because girls long for fame and money - mostly fame that leads to the generation of high amount of money - they give in and put up with all the risks - exposing their bodies, being criticized by people, being dragged into free prostitution... Why risk all these just for fame and money? Is fame really that fucking important? What's wrong with living as a simple girl without fame, living your own life with family and friends without fame? And this link shared by people in FB about that guy in Cruiser's? The reason to why he has the opportunities to do all these fucking sick stuffs is, girls long for fame and money, and he promised to help them to get it, and that's why girls sacrificed themselves, their own bodies to him that gave him all the opportunities. Why so stupid? Sex and virginity in exchange for fame and money?

Please, nude photos are not an art nowadays in this modern world. What, you think nude photos taken are like the naked picture of Rose painted by Jack in Titanic? Please, don't be so stupid to think that nude photos is a way of expressing your interest in ART. Nude photos is not an art, will not be and will never be. I don't know what true art is, but I stand firm with my belief of nude photos not being an art. By making a claim like, 'Nudity is Art', those people are just trying to make these stupidinnocent, beautiful girls to expose themselves and fulfill their own pleasure. Maybe some people truly believe in that claim, but no, I will never believe in the innocence of those people that make those claims. They're far too experienced to have that type of fucking belief.

I cannot understand why those girls opt to do all that photography. You have a beautiful body, beautiful face, and a beautiful future that lies ahead, why drag yourself into this field that requires you to expose your boobs, your cleavage, your buttocks? If you're going to answer saying, your ambition is to be a model, fine. Models as I know do not expose themselves in bikinis or sexy lingerie or whatever shit. Except for lingerie models obviously, duh. If you really hope to be a successful model, please go to a modelling school that is recognized to learn all fucking things a model should learn and know, not by joining all this photography shit that expose and risk yourself.

Seriously, my opinion of most of them that join this photography shit? They're just trying to seek for people's attention to be famous, and for the money generated by the fame. If you really want to be a recognized international model, you would have gone to a modelling school and not join stuffs like this. I'm not saying that girls joining these photography shits is wrong though. It's up to each girl to set their own future, and for them, they chose the road themselves. I'm just feeling sad that they actually want to do this willingly? Exposing themselves for fame and money? ...

And guys? For you all to enjoy yourselves with these sexy photos of those girls, I'm not saying you all are doing something wrong. But please respect them and don't ever do shit like masturbating while looking at their photos please. Even if you do, don't fucking post it to the public telling everyone you're enjoying by masturbating while looking at their photos. It's very offensive actually, and fucking psychotic.

Just expressing my opinion, we're living in a freedom-of-speech era right? Lol, if you find my opinions annoying, irritating or fucking offensive, please leave, lol. Like there's anyone that's going to read this goddamn long rubbish.