Thursday, October 27, 2011

Butterflies, Pines...

Legends of the Native American Indians believe that wishes carried by butterflies to the Great Spirit would be granted.

I, simply think that, butterflies, are scary.

Fatpea's stupid suggestion to visit Butterfly Farm.
It's not cheap, and Fatpea's obviously definitely wasting his money bringing me in there to be scared to death by butterflies.
The butterflies left me traumatized and I think I might have developed nervous shock because of all these butterflies.
Yes butterflies are pretty, but no, DON'T COME NEAR ME.
If even one come near me, my brain's nerves will all be in knots. I CAN'T THINK STRAIGHT WHEN BUTTERFLIES ARE AROUND. Especially when I'm exposed to the danger of letting the butterflies landing on my head OR my bag OR my arms OR my pants OR anywhere very near me. AND, when they are soaring around, BRUSHED my legs. For fork's sake. I'd faint.

And your highness would like to apologize for the blurriness of the pictures, I don't know why they're blur even though I wasn't shaking.
Zzzzzz... Probably because it's dark in there and I used night mode.
Fahk night mode, that's why I so much hate night mode. Zzzzz...

fatpea spent rm36 for the both of us just to see those goddamn scary butterflies.

The Tree of Life.

Giant-Millipede Station.

Monkey Cup Corner.

Pond of Harmony.

Iguana Station.

Mandarin Duck Station.


i literally risked my life to take these pictures of the butterflies.

Alligator Snapper Station.

stamping station.
i like Juro, Orni and Tacca but i have all of their stamps on my farm map. :D

fighting scorpions.

Cave of Mystery - where the spiders, scorpions, insects are. cockroaches, cangkerik...

fatpea provoked and taunted this frog non-stop and they both had a stupid child fight.

Kingdom of Frogs.

Man-faced Bug and what i think is the Frog Beetle.

i seriously don't know what's this, can't remember anymore.

and the right bug fell down from high high up, PLOP, fell on its back, struggling to turn back. xD

Leaf Insect.
i cannot imagine how will i react if i ever mistook them for leaves and plucked them off the trees and play with it omfg no way.

Three-horned Rhino Beetle.

i think this is the Orchid Mantis, scary disgusting shit.


Green Iguana.

i think this lizard is the one in Pixar's Monster Inc. movie.

some scary shit geckos and lizards.
Reptile Zone.

in the Insect Museum.
the blue butterflies are really nice aren't they? :D

After the Insect Museum it's the Artefacts & Tribal Art Gallery, and the Souvenir Outlet.
Nothing attractive in the Gallery, only the Buddha sculptures are really awesome. :B
Then I wanted to buy stickers of Juro in the Souvenir Outlet, but still decided not to.
It's only RM1.90 by the way. xD
And we're out of the place after we left the Outlet.
Oh yeah there's still the Papilio Cafe lol.
Fatpea and I still went straight off though.

And I decided to visit Lone Pine since we're already up there and Fatpea didn't fulfilled his promise on my birthday!
Hmph he was supposed to bring me to all hotels in Batu Feringghi on my birthday and he actually missed Lone Pine because he missed the entrance hmph.

i guess everyone should know what's this right? if you don't, then you don't have a childhood, BOO!

Fatpea had his dinner at James Foo after we came down from Batu Feringghi, and I had french fries for dinner. ==
It was only 6 something, and James Foo's already nearly full house.

fatpea brought me theseeeeee. :D

Very much satisfying day.
Not the butterflies-scaring part though. Hrrrrrmppp!... D:

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