Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I am still thinking what to get for Fatpea for Christmas. :{
I already know what to get Chuan since he likes the wooden car in Material Shop weehee. Didn't actually plan to get him one but since he likes it oh well. :b
Whatchoowant Fatpea. :{

Waiting for my birthday to come so that I can go get all my stuffs.

Oh yeah, done a bit of readings last night, instead of studying I only read through.
Ftw I'm really dying Mock's in 12 days' time hahahaha dead. T-T
3 papers for Law 2 papers for Thinking Skills and I don't know how many papers for Business.
HENCEEEEE before feeling jolly joyous for Christmas I must go through all the sufferings and pains and tortures of Mock.
Like wotzefork WHY WHY WHY MUST THERE BE MOCK?!?!?!
Like time tests aren't enough. Fml.

Life sucks. _|_

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