Monday, August 13, 2012

THE Day.

So this morning I couldn't sleep and I woke up at 10 something. Then I wuz so brave and called ATC. Because on this very day, our AL results are here. :O Then guess what, someone asked me to call back at 1pm. My mind wuz screaming at that person 'WHAT!?! I'M SO BRAVE NOW AND YOU WANT ME TO CALL BACK LATER???!!'... I wasn't so sure I'd be brave enough to call again at 1pm lol... Then I went to sleep back and woke up at 11.30am. And started eating my breakfast... Then it was 12.30pm. 12.45pm. 12.50pm. 12.55pm. I was on the verge of hyperventilating. o0o And then it wuz 1pm. Zzzz I was literally dead. Then at 1.06pm I called again. T_____T Miss Raqiefah scared me to the deepest pit of hell. BUT I PASSED. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

I WON THE FUCKING WAR. AWESOME MEEN LOO IS AWESOME. And so my awesome day began...

after my victorious win against AL.

TGIF for dinner. awesome lighting the place where we sat. :)

itadakimas!! Fried Mac & Cheese, fei's and my all time favourite. :)

my Tuscan Chicken Melt and fei's Sizzling Chicken & Cheese.
i don't know why did they change the goddamn bread they use for the TuscanCM. zz so hard to cut, even harder than the previous bread they use. and fei had his meal for free!

We actually parked inside Gurney's carpark, and walked to Paragon and walked back to Gurney after we finished our meal lulz. == Fei's GOOD idea. And then I went to Popular, wanting to check on whether my novel's here, the guy went to search up and down and couldn't find it, and when I stood there, aiming to the place where new books often sit, I saw the book. ==

luv that baby blue pen so much. too beautiful. fei got me those stickers and my awesome novel's here!! T^T

So my mood wuz super good, I won the war and my novel's here and I got myself a pen its ink is so pretty and Fei bought me those super cute stickers. Life's beautiful. :')