Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Awesome Day Yo

Aweeeeeesome day yo!
Watched Step Up 3 and it was AWESOME like my day today.
I especially loveeeeeeeeeee that part when Moose's bicycle knocked the water pipe and water sprayed out and they danced in the water.

And I got myself 3 pieces of clothing at a damn super value price.
*jumps around and grins widely*
Then went home and do the dvd filing thingy.
Managed to do the filing perfectly.

8 files. ;D

Then went out again at 6 something.
Went to CTY, to tengok fish, tortoises, turtles, rabbits, ferrets, tarantula, hamsters, dogs, cats...
I hate Poodle.
Fcuking hiao dog.
But the ShihTzu there was really lonely. :(
And the green turtles all were sooooooooooooooooooooo chubi.
Yer. :((
Finished visiting and went to Gurney.
Makan di Sushi King. ;( Mahal seperti biasa. To me.
And then I saw this new dish.
The sausage-like fish cake.

it looks chubi being poke-through-hung on the chopstick like that. :B

Of course then went to walk around and to Laser.
Bought Ironman 2 and The Runaways.
Kristen Stewart aahh I love you. :)
But in that movie she looks so lam nua.

Kristen Stewart & Dakota Fanning.

Kristen Stewart as Joan Jett.


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