Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Crocodile exclusively for NUTRILITE.

Thank you Ah Kor. 1 of my most-loved people in my life.

You see, sometimes I think life's so full of coincidence.
I saw this watch last night in mum's Amway amagram, and wanted to get 1 for the famous pig.
There are 2 types, 1 for girl 1 for boy.
I saw it's RM35, and suddenly saw something beside that looks like this: (N.P.: RM250).
So I scanned the side, and saw it's a PWP item. -.-
'Get 5 or 6 items to get the watch at RM35'.
Made me so happy for a while. :(
And just now when I called mum, she told me Ah Kor bought me a watch. Amway one.
I knew it's this one.
I don't get to get 1 for the famous pig. ;'((
I'm sad. D';

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