Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday Glooms.


"What you see on the outside or appearance is not always the truth."

How true, I thought they're better already when I saw them yesterday but it seems............ It's the other way round. Sigh. Z's still sad. :(


HAHA. I'VE DONE MY ADD. MATHS. The third book only. I've still got the fourth book to go. Urgh. I've done Hotspots, Matrix, and Sejarah. Better than not doing anything at all, yes? :)

Wonder what are we going to do with the class item... Script not here yet, lack of time to practise together, bla bla.

Who cares anyway. It's not my problem. I'm just supposed to practise the song. Don't wanna interfere with anything at all. Don't wanna create unneccessary troubles. :) Yeah.

Streamyx is hell pissing me off.

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