Thursday, June 24, 2010


It happened that last night the 4 of us were in a conversation.
And only 3 of us were crapping.
Then the very sampat Miss Liggy Chan ki siao. And Joe Thin ki hiao.
Liggy kept 'lemale MCB', thanks to Joe Thin for teaching. *sighs*
Then I said 'KNN', learned from Joe Thin also.
Joe Thin made an accusation saying we copy him, so I changed KNN to CNN.
CNN: Caaaahhh neeeee naaaayyy.
And then we continued chatting. And suddenly Joe Thin said.. 'PU YAO'.
Liggy said 'pu yao' sounds like those hiao po saying 'bu yao', like 'pu yao la shuai ge~ nggggggggggggggggg'.
Omfg I was dumb founded when I saw the 'NGGGGGGGGG'. HAHAHAHA.
Then Liggy saw my CNN and asked me what's that.
She asked: 'CNN? Chi nene?'
Then later on she continued with MPK (ma pu kong), her own new term because I told her CNN is my own term of KNN.
I told her there's no mpk, only MPT (ma pu to). LOL.
Then I don't know how, but she came up with CLL which means Chi Lele. ==
And I suggested MCP (ma ci pong). LOLOL.
Then she suddenly said another hiong one.... kam mo lan.
Wtf. I gong ki. -.-
And then the funniest part came.
Made me burst out laughing alone staring at my screen at our conversation.

Please feel free to enlarge the conversation. HAHAHAHAHA.
And after that Liggy still continued with the repulsiveness - CB, LJ, LP, KML, MPK, MPL...
I don't know what's MPL. No one answered our question. LOL.
And Liggy's new found word - KPK. If you know what's that.

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