Sunday, October 17, 2010


Watched Piranha last night with Mr. LJH.

It's not that scary actually, but it's too disgusting sampai it's scary.
The part Liggy told me before, 2 guys carrying a girl and she just snapped into 2 cause the piranhas bit her abdomen and stomach till too nua liao.
Couldn't find the picture for that scene.
OMG. ~_~
And then that guy on the ship kena bite till the legs were barely even boney. OMG.


And then the other girl on the ship, the piranhas made its way into her stomach and came out through - guess where - THE MOUTH.
Wtf. ==
Then the last part the professor called Julie.
"... you don't understand.... they are the babies...... a bigger one which is the parent......" something like that.
Then, the guy sheriff, "Bigger parent? Where is their parent?" *damn big piranha jumps up, bit the guy and dragged him together into the sea*
... Wth I tiok che kia.
Omg enough enough. -.-
I don't want to have nightmares tonight.
I had enough last night. ==
Just another 1 last dessert. xP


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