Monday, March 30, 2009

Serious Matters. Argh.

I . Have . A . Sudden . Urge . To . Write . A . Post . Now .

I want to eat pizza from Pizza Hut.
I want to eat doughnuts from Big Apple.
I want to eat pretzels from Auntie Anne.
I want to eat ice creams from McDonald's, Haagen-Dazs, Baskin Robins, anyone of them will do.
I want food.


I am seriously very hungry now. :( I need food. :( Any of them mentioned above is welcomed. Please send them to somewhere in the north of Penang.............

I am still reading Manga.

Computer, handphones.... All these electronic gadgets are distracting me from studying, from concentrating. Okay. Stop blaming these stuffs. Should blame myself for not being determined enough to concentrate in my studies. Heh. Anyhow.... I still think it's the electronic gadgets' fault for being so effective.. I mean, like, I can use the computer to online if I can't SMS and I can SMS with my phone if I can't online......... Chit chattings are distracting me. And I think it's getting more and more serious. Shit.

I need to concentrate! Anthony Tan and C.S. Wong are both CONSTANTLY reminding us how many times we're gonna meet till SPM. It's annoying and irritating but true.

Any idea to create self-determination to concentrate easier in studies? HELP NEEDED.

*slaps self*
*can't do it!!!!!*

Ahh well........ Back to my Manga. :)

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