Friday, January 11, 2013

What's my relationship like.

If you can't and won't admit what you've said before at all, please don't even bother to talk at all. It's just the same as being not able to keep your promises after what you've promised. And refusing to visit a newly opened place with your girlfriend, but happily visiting with your buddies with their girlfriends there. What's more, IN THE FUCKING NIGHT. And always saying all those bullshit like 'oh you're the best', 'love you most', 'want to have more memories with you' etc etc etc etc. What the fuck are all these? Go to hell, don't tell me all these nonsense after choosing to do that all. Every time I'm with you and I see that place, I feel so much sadness, what am I really? What am I to you? Am I just a spare tyre that you keep with you so that when your buddies aren't here at least you still have me? And when they're here I'm nothing but some kicked-aside junk?

Haha. Gotcha!! My blogpost title must've given you the wrong perception right? :P Meen Loo is awesome just like that! \m/