Monday, January 10, 2011

Nothing. it's nothing really.

Have you ever even cared how do I feel when you do that?
Do you even know how disappointing it is?
Because if you don't, maybe some day I'll do that to you too.
I was all so happy about today, going out at 2, eating maggie, going to 1st Avenue, kepo around.
Thought of what to wear, recalling all the stories I want to tell you one by one.
And I even purposely set my alarm half an hour earlier.
Rushed to shower.
And when I came out from the shower what did I see?
Last minute interview? Let's go out later after interview.
It's just like ppk-ing, it's just as disappointing, just as much the same.
If I didn't rush to shower, I'm still Tumblr-ing, scrolling through my dashboard, reblogging my favourite pictures as usual, like what I do everyday, without bothering what to wear what to do what to tell.
Thank you so much.

Sometimes I really wish I would get to go to London after 3 years of Bachelors studies in Penang.
Then when I'm at London, all by myself, I'd start a new life, wouldn't care of anything else happening in Penang.


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