Sunday, June 23, 2013

Life recently

Hello. Life hasn't been that bad, hasn't been that good either.

Fei came to accompany me during my break yesterday. :D :D :D Then he went to have his early dinner at Chopper Board, and then we went to walk around and saw Thomas Sabo's opened! Omg their charms are all so pretty. :((((( WANT. THOMAS. FUCKING. SABO. !!!!!!!!!!


Anyway I didn't realize Fei's birthday's a few days away until he mentioned that he's having presentation on his birthday on Tuesday yesterday. Luuuuulllz. Fei's turning 22 finally!!! :B Can't blame me for feeling so happy cuz he's older than me for only less than 6 months. :[ And everytime I turn another year older before him!!! :[ Gon go dinner at Weissbrau! And Fei said he wants to watch Monster University on Tuesdaaaayyyyy aiyooo got time meh? Still haven't decided what to wear on Fei's birthday by the way.

Watching Pee Mak on Monday, mum and Chuan watched it yesterday and they keep telling me how funny it is. Grrrr!!! Wanted to watch it last night but the last round's at 7.30pm. :( So we decided to watch it on Monday after work. But then we're scared that there'd be only the 2 of us in the whole cinema, which would be very scary... D: But other than that no time to watch liao, plus CIMB debit card get to buy movie tickets and get 1 ticket free maaaaa. :((((( I think 7 something movies should be okay? :(

Sigh! (again, lol.)

Fucking haze's making my nose runny, and I've been sneezing non stop and now my eyes can barely open urgh damn haze damn nose!

Oh. Goodbye by the way. *beeps*