Monday, November 10, 2008


Something's really bothering me and I don't know should I express it out here. If I do I'll get lotsa advice which I don't really want to listen. Well part of me wants the someone to know about it. Hmm.. But still.. Maybe I'll just try to forget about it and welcome the coming holidays..

Sigh. Bollocks. This is just so stupid. I don't like this type of feelings. Am feeling so insecure. This type of feelings make me sick. So sick of it.

Bugger. I can't stop thinking about it. I might forget it.. But for a while only. Maybe at school. Maybe while chatting. Maybe while talking. But absolutely not when I'm blogging or listening to songs or plurking or replying comments in friendster or sms-ing.. Sigh. :( What am I gonna do?..

It's still bothering me. It won't go away. It just won't bug off. It's making me to feel guilty. But I'm NOT guilty! It's the feeling. I don't like this. I really don't like this. No one understands. No one knows. No one tries to understand. No one cares. I toll them I'm down and they didn't even ask me what happen except for 1. And so I'm left with all alone to solve it myself. Maybe I should really solve it myself. But I don't know how should I solve it. How can I solve it?


This sucks. This sucks a lot and it sucks big times.

Feelings come and go as they like.
-Whooi Meen

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